Pet Ticks Prevention and Removal Winnipeg
Ticks and fleas can cause tremendous discomfort and are capable of transmitting infections and diseases to your pet. Some pets may also suffer severe allergic reactions to tick and flea bites. So, taking steps for tick prevention is crucial for your pet’s good health. At Pembina Veterinary Hospital, we provide safe and effective services for preventing and removing pet ticks to keep all furry little ones healthy across Winnipeg. We will do our best to help keep pests away from your pet as much as possible. Preventing ticks will keep your pet comfortable and healthy throughout the year.
Our expert staff and veterinarians will suggest the best method and product for your pet based on its health, medical history, and lifestyle. We carry topical ointments, tick repellents for cats and dogs, and oral treatments for flea prevention in dogs. Call us to schedule an appointment.
What Are Ticks? How Do Pets Pick Them Up?
Ticks are tiny, brown, round parasites that feed on blood and can cause severe diseases and issues for us and our pets. Though they may look small and harmless, pet ticks can transmit infections like Anaplasmosis and Lyme Disease, affecting pets and people. They breed in warm environments and are usually found in tall grass, under bushes, and other garden or yard areas.
Our pets can pick up fleas and ticks in several ways. If your pet plays outdoors or is often around other pets, these parasites can jump from the ground, trees, and shrubs onto your pet. They can jump from pet to pet and from other animals like squirrels, raccoons, and other rodents. Humans can also carry pet ticks on our clothes or shoes from a walk in the park.
Are you planning to visit our hospital in Winnipeg to treat pet ticks? Please read about our patient care process to facilitate the smooth process.
Risks of Ticks and Fleas
At Pembina Veterinary Hospital, we understand that the danger imposed by fleas and pet ticks in Winnipeg is a worry for most pet owners. These nasty little bugs don't just make your pets uncomfortable; they can lead to serious health problems that are potentially fatal if not treated. Here are some of the critical risks of ticks and fleas:
Paralysis and disease transmission: Ticks can transmit diseases that cause paralysis or other severe health conditions. Some diseases could be life-threatening if not treated soon enough.
Anaemia: Both fleas and ticks can cause anemia in pets by feeding on their blood. The condition can weaken your pet and make them more susceptible to other illnesses.
Allergic reaction: One common allergic reaction among pets is flea allergy dermatitis, which can cause extreme itching, loss of hair, and secondary skin infection.
Tick bites: Tick bites irritate and may result in secondary infections. In some cases, pets may develop severe allergic reactions to the bites, which can lead to other health complications.
Irritation or infection of the skin: Constant scratching and biting from fleas and ticks will cause significant irritation or infection of the skin, leading to discomfort and pain for your pet.
Lyme disease: One of the most fatal risks of ticks is Lyme disease. This debilitating sickness can cause further long-term health complications such as joint pains, fever, and lethargy.
For more information about the risks and prevention of pet ticks in Winnipeg, please meet with our team of experienced veterinarians.
Signs Your Pet Has Ticks
If you live in Winnipeg and need to be free of the worries of pet ticks, then look no further than Pembina Veterinary Hospital. Timing is of the essence in offering your pet quality care and treatment, guided by the tell-tale signs evident in a ticked pet. Here are a few vital signs to look for:
Visible ticks or fleas: Ticks are generally visible on your pet's skin, usually around the head, forehead, neck, ears, and paws. Fleas are smaller, but their movement on your pet's fur can sometimes be noticed as tiny dark specks.
Look for visible eggs. Flea eggs usually look like tiny white grains of sand, commonly found in pet bedding or favourite lying areas.
Itchy and irritated skin: The most common signs are persistent itching and irritation from your pet. This can be attributed to the discomfort and allergic reactions that both ticks and fleas cause.
Evidence of continued itching and scratching: This would mean that the pet is repeating the scratching. Bites from ticks and fleas cause these pets to inject chemicals that usually cause severe irritation, hence the scratching.
Small bumps on the skin: After attaching itself, the tick embeds itself in the skin, resulting in small, raised bumps at the attachment site.
Excessive chewing and licking: Sometimes, pets chew and lick excessively in areas where they have been bitten by ticks and fleas to soothe the irritation.
Hair loss and scabs: Hair loss and scabs result from infestations, especially if your pet has scratched and bit the area.
Pale lips and gums: Severe infestations may cause flea anemia, which results in pale lips and gums in pets. This is a severe condition that should be treated with immediate veterinary attention.
Though some scratching is normal for pets, if you see an excessive amount, it's time to examine your pet to see if you can find any. ​​In case of an emergency, 24/7 pet care is also available!